Never too late in the Summer for Sex Ed

Summer vacation is sadly (or gladly for some) coming to an end. The kids are on their way back to school, and another year begins.  A friend of mine has a daughter starting middle school this fall, and vowed she would talk to her about sex and sexuality before Labor Day.  She started saying this back in June, and at the end of August she confessed to me she just “doesn’t know what to say.”  Like many parents she fears if she discusses sex with her 11 year old daughter she will be encouraging her to become sexually active.  This theory has been proven wrong time and time again, but is still a fear many parents have, or is it an excuse to leave the uncomfortable talk for “another time”?  We can all use guidance in educating ourselves about effective ways to talk to our children about sex. And being prepared is a good way to get ready for “the talk.” Most of the literature is very encouraging and gives some excellent and concrete ideas.

One of my favorite sex education organizations, Answer (sex honestly) provides a plethora of resources for parents. From “how to have the conversation” to medical journal articles with research backing up the importance of sex ed. It’s websites for teens is also an excellent resource to pass on to your kids.

The post Never too late in the Summer for Sex Ed appeared first on Maze Women's Sexual Health | Improving Sexual Health One Woman at a Time- Painful Sex, Hormone Treatment.

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