They slip of their wedding ring before they go on a date and think that we are not going to notice. Gents should know that girls who work for London escort services are expert and noticing that sort of thing, it really makes me laugh when they do silly things like that.
Some men see cheating as a sport. The other day we were having a little chat after his date here at 247 London escorts from and he asked me if I knew of any London escort services which he could use. He even got out this little book. When I looked at the book I noticed that he had listed lots of different London escort services in the book. Against each there were some details of the escorts and if they were any good. It looked a bit like he was on a mission.
We do date a lot of foreign guys here at London escorts. Many of them like to cheat just because they are away from home. They come to London and everything is exciting. If you read about escorts in London on the Internet, you will find that we have the reputation to be the best escorts in the world. That is probably why some gents like to meet up with us. They think it super exciting and it sort of gives those bragging rights when they get back home.
Other gents cheat because the love has run out of their relationships. Believe it or not, you can soon spot who they are. They all look a bit down trodden and sad. To be honest, I don’t have a problem with that at all. I like to look after them here at London escorts and often put a bit of extra effort into the date. They often come back and many of them become personal friends. That kind of feels good and I know that many of the girls here at the agency like. They are the kind of gents that buy you flowers.
My boyfriend works for a male London escorts service so I know that a lot of lady’s cheat. It is easy to blame the gents all of the time. My boyfriend’s think that more and more ladies are beginning to play away from home. Sure, the dating dynamic in London has changed. Find a male London escort about five years ago, could be really hard work. Now I think that male escorts in London are doing well. There is nothing wrong with dating male escorts at all. Let’s face it, if men cheat, ladies can do it as well. I am not into it as I have a great guy but I can understand why some women do it. They simply feel unloved. Women do have a right to feel loved and appreciated as well.