If you had to choose between good sex and great sex, which one would you choose? If you are like most people you are probably thinking that having great sex is the only way to go. Unfortunately there are far too many people on this planet that actually fail enjoy the wealth of what a great sexual experience actually is. The mouth is probably the most important tool in your lovemaking arsenal, and when you learn the art of licking, it can really broaden your sexual horizons, and cause your mate to soar to climatic heights that she never imagined.
Talk and Free Her Mind
There are tons of men in the world that enjoy burying his head between the legs of his mate and indulging in the sweetness of her juices, but far too many of the men that enjoy the subtle licking and sucking of his lady’s treasure trove of pleasure forget to do the one thing that he needs to do to ensure that the experience is pleasurable for he and his mate. Men you have to make your woman comfortable, and in addition to that you have to make sure that she has a healthy attitude about the act of participating in oral sex whether she is on the giving or the receiving end.
Have a discussion with your mate to discuss what she likes and dislikes in terms of her sexual experiences. Each of you will also want to clearly define your expectations in terms of what you want and need before, during, and after your sexual encounters. From a psychological standpoint, women tend to be much more inhibited when it comes to sexual encounters when they have questions in regards to the status of the relationship that they are in. In other words, if you are sending your lady mixed messages, or you are someone that has a difficult time expressing your feelings, you should not expect your lady to give you her all, assuming that she is comfortable with the idea of oral sex.
A Little Tongue Action
Oral stimulation when it is done gently while concentrating on the proper anatomy can bring about the most intense orgasms that a woman can experience. Remember less is more when it comes to your lady’s most sensitive arousal point, and that is her clitoris. Make sure that you study her body. Learn to locate her clitoris. When you find it, treat it with care. A gentle stroking of a hot wet tongue and the warmth of your breath will do more to pleasure your woman than rough repetitive flapping of the tongue, and sucking to a point of rawness.
Just remember, unless you are a sexologist, you are never going to be a perfectionist when it comes to oral sex, as the art of licking is more of an experimental undertaking. The most important thing to remember is that making your girl feel like she is the most beautiful woman in the world, and that her body turns you on, and any other thing that you can tell her to break down her walls and make her feel more comfortable will get you the keys to her kingdom, and unlock the door of pleasure for both of you.
Visit here http://cityofeve.com for more love making information.